International Nurses Day 2022: Hear our voice


We celebrate the work and commitment of nurses every day, especially on International Nurses Day. We invite you to take a moment on 12 May to pause, reflect and think about your valuable contribution as a nurse.

Nursing Day

Your work as a nurse and support of all people throughout Australia is seen and applauded by us. We think you are AMAZING.

Our global body, the International Council of Nurses (ICN)  leads the celebration of the valuable contribution of nurses every year on May 12.  They offer events and resources to help you celebrate and acknowledge this important day and year for nurses and their supporters. 

ICN is a federation of more than 130 national nurses’ associations, representing the more than 27 million nurses worldwide. WOW! 27 million nurses worldwide is a number worth celebrating!

Listen to our voice

This year, the theme for International Nurses Day is Nurses: A voice to lead — Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health. A celebration of the vital voice of nurses to positively influence the health and care of others.

We hope the world agrees that listening to the voices of nurses will assist to improve care and investing in nursing is better for everyone.

Celebrate nurses

We acknowledge your commitment, expertise, and awesomeness, but also what it might have cost you. Thank you for your unique contribution. Whatever you do next, we could not have made it this far without you. 

Read the stories of amazing nurses

At Nurse & Midwife Support, we think that nurses are amazing. We also recognise that working as a nurse through the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging, stressful, and difficult for many. Hearing your stories and supporting you has been our privilege.

Since our inception, Nurse & Midwife Support has been committed to sharing the unique perspectives and experiences of nurses. Here are just some of the stories we have been privileged to share:

Support is vital for nurses. When you care for others you need to carve out YOU time. Your health absolutely does matter. We encourage you to share your stories, with each other, your friends and family, or with us.

The team at Nurse & Midwife Support believe nurses are awesome, and we are always here to support you. If you need support, give us a call on 1800 667 877 or email us — free, confidential, 24/7.

Happy International Nurses Day from all of us at Nurse & Midwife support!