Your health matters

As nurses, midwives and students we know you understand the importance of staying healthy. However the caring nature of the profession, teamed with increasingly busy lives, may mean that you put other people's health ahead of your own.

To guide you we have put together a range of tailored resources, which have been developed to give you a hand in getting started. Our topics include exercise, mindfulness and sleep — and we are creating new resources all the time!

If you would like to get some more tips on where to start you can call our support line anytime on 1800 667 877.
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Why does it matter?

As health care professionals you are not immune to experiencing health issues just like anyone else. In fact work place stresses and the demands of nursing and midwifery may increase your risk of developing health issues and illnesses.

Taking the time to look after yourself in a holistic way, body and soul, not only will it make your own health better, but will also make you better equipped to look after your patients.

You are in a privileged and vital position, providing care to individuals and their families within a diverse range of settings across Australia. The important and sometimes consuming nature of the profession, teamed with the intensive situations you may encounter, can make it feel like it's not important to take the time to look after your health.

But it really does matter for a range of reasons. If left untreated, health issues can progress to impair the ability to safely, competently and professionally practise, potentially putting the public and yourself at risk of harm.

A major aim of our service is to prevent health issues. By looking after all aspects of your health you can live a happier and healthier life on the whole and reduce your chances of developing a health issue. So what is stopping you from getting started?

What are the statistics?

Current Australian statistics estimate that two-thirds of Australians are overweight or obese, and half of our population have a chronic disease.

Twenty percent have two or more diagnosed chronic health conditions. Examples of these conditions include arthritis, asthma, back problems, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental health conditions.

The statistics also indicate that mental health and dementia related health issues are on the rise.

But you can do something to reduce your risk of developing a health issue by taking action, so let's take a step towards looking after your health today!

What can I do?

Why not read some of our articles on staying healthy on a range of topics including:

Our service provides free and confidential support 24/7, to all nurses, midwives and students Australia wide. If you would like to speak to someone you can call 1800 667 877 today!


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