
Being a student nurse or midwife can be both exciting and challenging at the same time. Students are new to the complex world of health care and it is normal to feel underprepared for the additional responsibility and information.

Nurse & Midwife Support are experienced in providing information, resources and support to nursing and midwifery students during their time as a student and into their career future. If you would like to chat to someone you can call Nurse & Midwife Support, our national confidential support line 24/7 on 1800 667 877. We provide free confidential advice and referral, promote better health for nurses, midwives and students and safer care for the public.

Being a student

Students can often experience stress associated with feeling inadequately prepared for the world of study, clinical placements and new work environments and the related stressors (Missen, McKenna, Beauchamp & Larkins, 2016).

In this section, you will find information about how you can prepare for your time as a student and moving forward to being a graduate.


Missen, K., McKenna, L., Beauchamp, A., & Larkins, J. (2016). Qualified nurses’ perceptions of nursing graduates’ abilities vary according to specific demographic and clinical characteristics. A descriptive quantitative study. Nurse Education Today, 45, 108-113.