It’s International Nurses’ Day!
This year’s theme is Our Nurses. Our Future. The International Council of Nurses explains:
Our Nurses. Our Future. will be a global campaign which sets out what we want for nursing in the future in order to address the global health challenges and improve global health for all. We need to learn from the lessons of the pandemic and translate these into actions of the future.
With the release of the State of the World’s Nursing report, the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing & Midwifery, the Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyondand many other important publications, ICN and other organisations have shown the evidence for change and called for action. It is now time to look to the future and demonstrate what these investments will mean for nursing and healthcare. The Our Nurses. Our Future. campaign will shine the light on nurses and on a brighter future
Our community of nurses is amazing. Thank you for everything that you do for others. We want to ask you to do just as much for yourself by bringing new focus to your wellbeing as the key to our future. Our individual wellbeing is essential to our collective wellbeing. Today we’re sharing some resources we’ve collated to help you.
Happy birthday Florence! Undated woodcut print courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.