We will have a panel of 3 judges who will be deciding the winners they are:
Mark Aitken
Mark Aitken is the Consultant and Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Nurse & Midwife Support (NM Support) and has been a proud registered nurse for 30 years.
As our Consultant and Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Mark meets with nurses, midwives and nursing and midwifery students across the country to spread the message about the service and listen to what you think should happen next.
Dianne Wintle
Dianne Wintle is an accredited practising dietitian with a Master of Health Science (Hons) awarded for her research centred around procrastination, stress and obesity in nurses. Dianne has worked as a dietitian in private practice, in community health, in clinical dietetics and in Aboriginal health. She also lectured in Nutrition and Dietetics at Charles Sturt University from 2008 to 2016. Coming to dietetics later in life, after a varied career, allowed for a different perspective. While still studying it was obvious to her templates are of little use to the individual trying to lose weight. Fat people are not stupid!
The issues were clear to Dianne that education would do little to help the situation. Lack of knowledge was not the main issue. Her studies fell short, but her research made matters clearer. Having seen many people in private practice who were procrastinating over weight loss, Dianne had the anecdotal evidence, she searched widely across disciplines for commentary and research, and had wide response to her own research. She adds to this the 'lived experience' of being overweight much of her adult life. This led to procrastinating, stressing, eating.
Amy Benn
Amy Benn is a registered nurse and Director of Wholeheart Magazine.
Amy became very health conscious, at age 14, after a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. Inspired by the care she received as a teenage patient, Amy knew she wanted to help others and naturally gravitated towards nursing. Managing health and well-being became challenging for Amy as she pursued her chosen specialty of intensive care nursing in one of Melbourne’s major metropolitan hospitals, and becoming a teacher of the nursing profession. Alongside post-graduate nursing study Amy studied meditation, fitness and nutrition. All in the pursuit of absorbing more knowledge and understanding to enable positive lifestyle habits to improve her own health.
Amy’s vision is to equip nurses, midwives and students with the knowledge and understanding to cope with the demands of working in health care, and to enhance their own lives through great health and well-being.
Amy is medication-free and in remission from Crohn’s Disease and enjoying the best health of her life
Amy believes our biggest opportunities lie in our challenges. And, the greatest investment we can ever make, is one in ourselves, and our wellness.