Supporting our student nurses and midwives

Mark Aitken RN
Since the launch of Nurse & Midwife Support in March 2017 we have met nursing and midwifery students and graduates throughout Australia. They tell us that being a student or graduate is an exciting, challenging and often daunting time.

nursing and midwifery students and graduates

I was a student nurse many years ago. I still remember this pivotal time in my career. I was full of anticipation and excitement about the future. I also remember feeling scared! The hospital I worked in was a new world full of discovery and new experiences. I sometimes felt overwhelmed. My seniors, mentors, fellow students and educators nurtured my learning and supported me to succeed. Some of those people became lifelong friends. We have continued to support each other by listening and being there through good and tough times.

Nurse  & Midwife Support is available to support all nursing and midwifery students and graduates during this challenging time in their lives. The national 24/7 support service provided via a nurse and midwife lead phone service — 1800 667 877 and online.

We have great resources to support the success of students and graduates. The service is confidential, anonymous and free. Call us anytime about any issue you need support for.

Please assist us to spread the word to your network so that every student, graduate and those who support them know about Nurse & Midwife Support.

Best wishes and enjoy this incredible journey.

Look after yourself and each other — your health matters.

Mark Aitken RN